حصن المسلم – Hisnul Muslim Dua

by Towards Allah!

Books & Reference


حصن المسلم – kunfayakun Dua Athkar is one of the islamic apps contains beautiful supplications from the Holy Quran. Get the accurate stuff from the authentic compilation available on the store in the form of a famous booklet of the Muslim world today. Prayers and dua increases iman, gives hope and relief to the distressed, and saves the supplicant from despair and isolation.In this app best features are that: - One can get the excellence and benefits of Dua- The types and pre-conditions that are needed in order for a request to be accepted- The recommended etiquette of praising Allah, The timings and situations in which dua is more likely to be answered- The various factors that aid or prevent a dua from being accepted - The relationship of dua with the Divine Decree (qadr)- The wisdom behind a delayed response. All the supplications given in this App are presented in Arabic, English transliteration, translation, word-by-word meanings along with their benefits, detailed explanation and historical background. This App serves as a handy reference for the remembrance and supplications every Muslim needs to get success in all walks of life, to fortify his faith and to ward off evil.This App حصن المسلم – Dua Athkar Islam highlights the importance of seeking the solution of all your problems with the help of duas. It includes the supplications of the Prophets who invoked Allah for all their needs, such as good health, relief from sickness and grief, success, forgiveness, children, piety, provision, high ranks and status to name a few. It is unfortunate that many of us struggle though life and use all means available to us in this life to resolve our situations but neglect to ask Allah. Dua can change the Divine decree and relieve our distress.App Features:- Translation of every dua in other languages- Easy to understand and memorize the Arabic words- Audio and mp3 features- Listen to learn anytime at any place- Search the content with reference to each dua - Share the famous azkar with others - Create your own list of favorites - Dua and zikar compiled from the Holy Quran and Hadith- Bookmark and save Doa of your choice to read them later - Various category masnoon Dua and zikr for morning and night - Easily download and listen offline all the audio files of Dua, athkar and ruqyah